Lindner Quality Socks

Our Wool Growers

by Andrew | December 6, 2017
Our Wool Growers

At Lindner Quality Socks we have a passion for creating the best quality socks from the wool sourced from our local farmers.

These farmers do such a great job of growing beautiful quality wool, we want to share their stories of skill and hard work with occasional profiles. Being a quiet bunch, you won't get outrageous hyped-up stories on growing wool, but you won't get any complaints either.

Donald Burbidge is the subject of our first profile. He’s a third generation merino wool grower from the Bigga area, about 60 kms north of Crookwell. His property, ‘Burnafahes’, covers 1800 hectares of undulating native and improved pastures, bounded by steep gullies and bush. It’s perfect food and shelter for his flock of 5,000 merinos.

Don grew up on Burnafahes, went to agricultural college in Wagga and then returned to work with his father and uncle on the property. Eventually he took over the reins himself more than 25 years ago.

By meticulously recording data such wool staple strength, greasy fleece weight, and fibre fineness (micron) for individual sheep, Don has selectively bred his flock to produce the fine 18.5 micron wool used in our fabulous new range of socks .